Grab and Go Sunbutter Overnight Oats

Confession: i’m not usually a breakfast foods eater. Or I just don’t eat them in the morning; I’m all about pancakes for dinner, though. But I’m finding that now that I’m waking up earlier, I like something on the sweet side with my coffee—but a girl can’t have donuts every day. These sunbutter overnight oats do the trick; they’re filling, have protein and fruit in them, and satisfy my sweet tooth. (I used canned coconut milk because it’s really rich and creamy—but it definitely tastes like coconut. Use whatever you like, though.) Let’s get in to it!



1 cup rolled oats (or steel cut if you like them chewier, but they take an extra day)

1 cup of regular or plant-based milk

honey to taste

1 tablespoon chia seeds for thickener

2 tablespoons Ry’s Sunbutter

Chopped fruit, berries, or whatever topping you like!


In a bowl, mix together all the ingredients and refrigerate overnight. (Seriously, that’s it!) In the morning, spoon into your old Ry’s Sunbutter jars, top with Cocoa Sunbutter and fruit and put on the lids. For the next couple of mornings, you’ve go a grab and go breakfast!


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Blackberry Watermelon Lemonade